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F. Liam Erelim is the author of seven books published in four languages around the world. Founder of the Ascention Wisdom movement in two languages and ambassador of the Erelim Frequency on planet Earth, he dedicates his life to the awareness of who we are and where we are, preparing our lives so that we can carry out the true consciential awakening in life through the declaration of our spiritual independence – without masters or gurus.

Liam is co-creator of the EXPERIENCE and the Seed of Life movement, and also of the best and most complete Distance Education platform in Portuguese in the world since 2019 – Despertar 2.0, known by students as the “University of Awakening”: a four-year online course and more than twenty professors from different areas, in addition to its more than ten courses, workshops and lectures around the world.

La’El Ofanim is an author, empath, conscious projector, has worked with apometry for over fifteen years and is an ambassador of the seraphnic frequency Ofanim on planet Earth. Co-author of the Seed of Life movement, which aims to connect soul fractals with elementals of nature, and the Awakening project, which aims to expand the mediumship of empaths on the path of awakening.

The two develop work with multidimensional spiritual teams, on and off planet having experiences since childhood together in multidimensional secret programs.

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