Liam Erelim
Liam Erelim is an empath, contactee, Brazilian living in Canada for more than 11 years and the author of 10 books for adults and children published in four languages around the world. Founder of the Conscious Education movement (in Portuguese) and Ascension Wisdom (in English) and ambassador of the Erelim Frequency on planet Earth, he dedicates his life to raising awareness of who we are and where we are, preparing our lives so that we can achieve true Conscious Awakening in life through the declaration of our spiritual independence – without masters or gurus.
Liam is the creator of the best and most complete distance Learning platform in Portuguese in the world since 2019 – “Despertar 2.0”, known by students as the “University of Awakening”, a four-year online course with more than fifteen national and international teachers from different areas, in addition to his more than 10 courses, workshops and lectures inside and outside Brazil.

La’El Ofanim (in memoriam)
La’El Ofanim (1973-2024) is our eternal ambassador of the Ofanim Seraphinic Network on planet Earth, who dedicated his life to raising awareness of who we are and where we are, preparing our lives so that we can achieve true Conscious Awakening in life through the declaration of our spiritual independence – without masters or gurus.
He was the author of books for adults and children, an empath, a contactee, a conscious astral projector, apometer, a Reiki practitioner and developed the work of energy reading of the Aeons through frequency and unfolding of levels of consciousness.
He was also a channeler of symbols of energy work (Sacred Geometry) and the keys of Seraphinic connection. In addition, he is a co-author with Liam Erelim in many projects that will keep going with Ascension Wisdom around the world.