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SOS – They are Taking Us

Forward by Corey Goode, the book is based on the real life stories of the authors Liam Erelim and La’El Ofanim, bringing to light not only the issue of abductions, but also what is behind the curtains of the terrestrial experience.

The book brings a very realistic view of the abduction process, supposedly done by extraterrestrial entities that have been on Earth since the beginning of the human experience.

The reader will discover how the human race was created, the reason for the genetic project and its consequences for humanity both in physicality and in the so-called superior dimensions. SOS – They are taking us is a must-read book for anyone who prefers a bitter truth to a sweet lie, or the apathy with which these fundamental issues are treated in the media and literature in general.

Planetary Intervention

Forward by Laura Einsenhower and based on a true story, Planetary Intervention tells the story of Daniel: an army veteran who joins a global military command that officially shouldn’t exist and embarks on several missions around the world. Daniel undergoes the best elite training available and uses technology that is way ahead of its time, traveling all over the planet without knowing what his next mission will be.

In Planetary Intervention you will learn how this multinational elite troop, which obeys a hidden command unknown to the combatants, interferes in wars all over the world, frequents secret underground bases and participates in encounters between humans and extraterrestrials, sometimes even in combat. Learn more about the backstage of Earth’s reality, the manipulation of various conflicts and the confrontations and details of the interaction between humans and non-humans, including the recovery of ancient technological artifacts.

The Answer for Everything

The latest discoveries of traditional science establishing relationships with the concepts of modern Spirituality in a work that can be used as a study guide, both for beginners and for those who are already familiar with the subject.

A book that permeates fundamental concepts of the functioning of the universes, of our planet, of the dimensions of reality and how all of this affects our lives today and in the now.